Game Academy recruiting for Play Games, Build Careers Bootcamp

Game Academy is recruiting for a bootcamp course that helps young people understand the power of their skills as a gamer in the world outside of playing video games.

Games ask you to do a lot of things and use many skills that are useful to work, as well as life, like solving problems, managing information, making things and working with others.

How long does it run?

It runs across the month of July 2024. The core course takes place on 10 different days. Most days start at 10am and run until 4pm, but some days vary. Some activities take place outside of these hours, such as group project work, meet-ups of ‘tutor groups’ and optional activities such as game jams. See the course timetable for more details.

How is the course delivered?

Online via Zoom and Discord.

What does it teach?

It teaches learners about the digital, creative and games industries. It dives deeper into the games industry and how to become more employable.

Is there a certificate issued at the end?

Yes. But the certificate carries no endorsement by a curriculum authority. The course is a variant of a programme of learning that is endorsed by NCFE.

What tech is needed to complete the course?

Just a computer, laptop, or telephone with which to access Zoom and Discord via the Internet.

How does the course support those with learning difficulties?

We provide accessible resources. We pace learning to suit the needs of learners. Our Managing Tutor has a PGCE in SEN Education.

Who is eligible?

Young people aged 16-18 years.

How do people enrol on the course?

Name and contact details need to be issued to Chris Lawlor, Sheffield City Council:

For more information, visit the Game Academy website.

What is Game Academy?

A social impact venture that supports the personal development of players of video games. We developed the service with support from the DfE, NESTA and UfI Trust. We are members of UKIE, the video games industry trade association, ERSA and the Institute of Employability Professionals. Clients and partners in our work include the DWP, D2N2, Career Connect and many games studios. Finalists: Learning Technology Awards (2023) and Career Development Institute Awards (2024).