MPCT Sheffield Academy is recruiting students to join in August/September 2024

Are you working with students who are about to finish their exams and leave secondary school, but have not yet secured a college place or are still unsure of their next steps?

MPCT Sheffield Academy is recruiting students to join this August/September. Whether they are interested in the Armed Forces, Uniformed Services, or have a passion for fitness and hands-on practical activities, the academy could be the perfect fit for them.

MPCT believe in giving every student a chance to succeed. There are no qualification requirements, just a positive attitude and a commitment to giving 100 per cent.

Courses include:

  • Level 2 Award in Preparation for Military Service
  • Level 3 Certificate for Entry to the Uniformed Services

In addition to these core courses, students will have the opportunity to retake their Maths and English GCSEs or complete Functional Skills in Maths and English.

If you have students who might be interested, please refer them. Contact Martin Greening on: 07458 009552 or visit the MPCT Website to book an interview