Momentum Training launches Retrofit course in Sheffield

Momentum Training has announced a new Retrofit course based around the building and construction industry.

The 4-week course will focus on energy efficiency through learning the knowledge, understanding and skills of improving energy, structural integrity and the modifications of buildings. Plus, learning the benefits and challenges of Retrofitting.

Retrofit is a valuable approach across various industries to modernise and improve existing systems, making them more efficient, sustainable, and compliant with current standards.

This can include adding insulation, upgrading windows, energy efficient heating and cooling systems, solar panels, and even modifying homes/buildings by installing ramps, elevators or other needed accommodations.

This course is beginner friendly, but is also ideal for tradespeople.

Eligibility criteria apply. Candidates must be:

  • Aged 19+
  • Claiming government benefits
  • Out of education and training
  • Living in Sheffield / Rotherham / Doncaster / Barnsley

Candidates must also achieve at least an Entry 3.5 level on their English BKSBs (to be done during registrations).

For more information, call: 01332 343 515 or email: